Primary rabiological consultation
PRP therapy in orthopaedy, traumatology and vertebrology (1 procedure)
Removal of external formations (lipoma, atheroma) of the 1st category of difficulty
Removal of foreign body from soft tissues of the 1st category of difficulty
Removal of foreign body from soft tissues of the 2nd category of difficulty
Intra-articular application of medications (medications cost excluded)
Manipulation of major joint dislocations
Manipulation of hand and foot joint dislocations
Closed reduction of fragments of large bones
Closed reduction of fragments of ossicles
Removal of Scotchcast bandage
Removal of large plaster bandage
Removal of small plaster bandage
Immobilization with bandage by Desault type (bandage cost excluded)
Immobilization with Delbet-type recliners (recliner cost excluded)
Immobilization with Schanz cervical collar (collar cost excluded)
Immobilization with scarf bandage (bandage cost excluded)
Immobilization with removable joint-immobilizer, foot orthoses, bandage splint (not including the cost of the product)
Immobilization with phalangeal splint (splint cost excluded)
Injections in orthopedics and traumatology under ultrasound control
Injection in paraarticular structures (medications cost excluded)
Correction of plaster, scoth/softcast, turbocast dressing
Application of Scotchcast or Softcast bandage (dressing) (bandage cost excluded)
Application of large plaster splints (splints cost excluded)
Cosmetic stitch overlap (1 cm)
Application of small plaster splints (splints cost excluded)
Application of retentive dressing (dressing cost excluded)
Suturation (no more than 5 items)
Surgery in case of ingrown nail
Initial surgical debridement
Plasmolifting in orthopedics and traumatology under ultrasound control
Re-consultation before anti-rabies vaccination