InformationWhereServices1 review
Kirichenko Vladyslav Valeriiovych

Kirichenko Vladyslav Valeriiovych

Rehabilitation specialist
6experience (y.)

The Doctor provides the following services:

(LT) Laser therapy (MLS) (1 session, 15-20 min)
850 uah
(Exercise therapy) Therapeutic gymnastics (due to medical necessity), 1 session, 30 minutes
1010 uah
(FSWT) Focal Shockwave Therapy (1 zone, 15-20 min)
2110 uah
Active-passive development of joints (Arthromot) (1 session, 20-30 min)
850 uah
Session by rehabilitation therapist with a patient during hospital treatment (15 minutes)
650 uah
Kinesis taping 1 category of complexity
700 uah
Kinesio taping of the 2nd category of difficulty
880 uah
Kinesis taping 3 category of complexity
1070 uah
Kinesitherapy (30 minutes) (rehabilitation)
1160 uah
Kinesitherapy (45 min.)
1350 uah
Kinesitherapy (60 min.)
1820 uah
High intensity laser therapy (1 session)
640 uah
Manual therapy (1 session, 30 min)
1200 uah
Kinesitherapy program (rehabilitation) 60 (Kinesitherapy 10 group sessions of 60 minutes each)
14600 uah
Kinesiotherapy program 30 (Kinesiotherapy 10 group sessions of 30 minutes each)
6700 uah
Kinesiotherapy program 45 (Kinesiotherapy 10 group sessions of 45 minutes each)
7700 uah
60 kinesiotherapy program (Kinesiotherapy 10 group sessions of 60 minutes each)
8700 uah
Postpartum rehabilitation program
13200 uah
Information about the doctor Kirichenko Vladyslav Valeriiovych

Work experience: 5 years


  • Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

Membership in associations, societies; attending conferences, thematic improvement courses:

  • member of the Ukrainian Association of Physical Therapists;
  • regular participation in seminars, in particular on the use of the rehabilitation system “Redcord” Education Program Neurac 1, manual muscle testing;
  • participates in schools for physical therapists and high-intensity walking training courses;
  • training in dynamic taping;
  • participation in national conferences, webinars and master classes.

Scientific activity:

  • author and co-author of scientific publications.

Priority areas in clinical practice:

  • orthopedic rehabilitation: restoration of musculoskeletal system functions after injuries and surgeries;
  • rehabilitation of military personnel injured in combat;
  • chronic pain management: assistance to patients suffering from chronic pain syndromes and diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • neurological rehabilitation: recovery from stroke, assistance in restoring motor and cognitive functions, development of individual rehabilitation programs

Tell us about your professional interests other than your specialization:

  • cardiac rehabilitation.

Doctor's advice:

  • "Keep yourself healthy through simple daily steps! Regular movement helps your muscles to be in good shape and supports your overall health."

Patient reviews of Kirichenko Vladyslav Valeriiovych QR

Physician performance appraisal:

Overall rating from the patientOverall rating from the patientOverall rating from the patientOverall rating from the patientOverall rating from the patient1 review
Overall rating from the patient5/ 5
raiting based on
1 review
Загальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнта
Impressions from the doctor

Владислав допоміг мені, прийшов з болями у плечі (було пошкодження), після місяця процедур кінезетерапії і ударно-хвильової терапії все налагодилось, болів вже нема, хоч у побуті, хоч на тренуваннях у...

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– Артем07.03.2025
Артем, дякуємо за ваш відгук! Ми раді, що вам стало краще після процедур кінезетерапії і ударно-хвильової терапії. Ми передамо ваші слова лікарю, і він буде радий чути, що ви задоволені результатом його роботи. Якщо у вас знову виникнуть які-небудь проблеми, не соромтеся звертатись до нас! Бажаємо вам доброго здоров'я і швидкого одужання! 🌟З побажаннями міцного здоров`я, Команда Добробут

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Kirichenko Vladyslav Valeriiovych

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