Work experience: 23 years
Category: First
- Kyiv Medical Institute of UANM;
- Shupyk National University of Health of Ukraine, Department of Therapy, specialization in therapy at the Kyiv City Clinical Hospital No. 1 and internship at the Kyiv City Clinical Endocrinology Center
Membership in associations, societies; attending conferences, thematic improvement courses:
- member of the Association of Preventive and Anti-Aging Medicine;
- regularly takes thematic improvement courses, in particular on electrocardiography (ECG);
- active participant in national and international scientific and practical conferences, symposia, seminars, webinars and master classes in therapeutic areas, including pulmonology, cardiology, gastroenterology, allergology, endocrinology and nephrology;
- continuously learns and improves professional knowledge online on medical educational platforms such as Likar education, Hippocrates, MedEvent, Accemedin, Cardio Hub, OsteoHub, WebCardio, and others.
Areas of professional development:
- studies medical literature, in particular, the magazines Art of Treatment, Medicines of Ukraine and the medical newspaper Zdorovye Ukrainy.
Priority areas in clinical practice:
- diagnostics and treatment of respiratory diseases (ARVI, pharyngitis, sinusitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia);
- diagnostics and treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, coronary heart disease (CHD);
- diagnostics and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) (gastritis, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), HP-associated gastric ulcer, colitis, functional bowel disorders);
- diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the kidneys and urinary system (urinary tract infections, cystitis, pyelonephritis);
- diagnostics and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system (dorsalgia, vertebrogenic muscle-tonic syndrome);
- diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases (COVID-19);
- diagnostics and treatment of endocrinological diseases (diabetes mellitus, prediabetes, autoimmune thyroiditis (AIT), hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, assessment of hormonal status and treatment of thyroid dysfunction)
- diagnostics and treatment of metabolic disorders (metabolic syndrome, obesity and osteoporosis, anemia, including chronic anemia, correction of vitamin deficiency conditions);
- providing assistance in acute conditions: renal colic, gastrointestinal bleeding, food poisoning, hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, paroxysm (atrial fibrillation), allergic reactions, hypotension, heart attack, unstable angina, hypertensive crisis.
Tell us about your professional interests other than your specialization:
- nutrition.
Hobbies, favorite movies, books:
- “I like to travel and watch adventure movies.”
Doctor's advice:
- “Appreciate your life! See a doctor on time!”