Information about the doctor Ratushniuk Viktoriia Vasylivna
Category: First
Membership in associations, societies; attending conferences, thematic improvement courses:
- completed advanced thematic training courses Optometry and Contact Vision Correction, Eye Microsurgery with IOL Implantation Methods and phacoemulsification, Glaucoma, pre-certification cycle of trainings;
- regularly attends medical conferences in specialty;
- proficient in English, actively use foreign experience in practice.
Priority areas in clinical practice:
- diagnosis of inflammatory, vascular and dystrophic ocular diseases: visometry, biomicroscopy, fundus examination, autorefractokeratometry, pneumotonometry, pachymetry, optical coherence tomography of the retina and optic nerve, fundus photography;
- treatment of inflammatory, vascular and dystrophic diseases of the eyes;
- lens fitting for vision correction.
- “Continuous improvement in diagnostic devices is a major positive trend in this medicine field.”
- “I have to use a large number of diagnostic equipment in working with patients.”
- “A good doctor, first of all, should be educated, attentive and friendly.”
Tell us about your professional interests other than your specialization:
- cardiology;
- neurology;
- rheumatology.
Doctor's advice:
- “A healthy lifestyle and preventive medical examination pave the way to health and longevity.”
Advantages of MM 'Dobrobut':
- “The clinic has advanced diagnostic equipment, everything is in place for convenience and comfort of patients.”