InformationWhereServices12 reviews
Parii Vasyl Bronislavovych

Parii Vasyl Bronislavovych

33experience (y.)
4/ 5raiting based on
12 reviews
The Doctor Doctor takes in clinic
Nearest pickup time: 27.03.2025 14:00

The Doctor provides the following services:

Consultation by orthopaedic surgeon
1470 uah
Removal of metal fixations of the 1st category of difficulty
9500 uah
Removal of metal fixations of the 2nd category of difficulty
14900 uah
Removal of metal fixations of the 3rd category of difficulty
22100 uah
Removal of metal fixations of the 4th category of difficulty
27700 uah
Intra-articular application of medications (medications cost excluded)
740 uah
Manipulation of major joint dislocations
1500 uah
Manipulation of hand and foot joint dislocations
1400 uah
Closed reduction of fragments of large bones
1800 uah
Closed reduction of fragments of ossicles
1200 uah
Closed reduction of fragments, metallic osteosynthesis with Kirschner wires, Ilizarov wires
3400 uah
Removal of Scotchcast bandage
1200 uah
Removal of large plaster bandage
1100 uah
Removal of small plaster bandage
620 uah
Immobilization with bandage by Desault type (bandage cost excluded)
720 uah
Immobilization with Delbet-type recliners (recliner cost excluded)
1200 uah
Immobilization with Schanz cervical collar (collar cost excluded)
630 uah
Immobilization with scarf bandage (bandage cost excluded)
610 uah
Immobilization with removable joint-immobilizer, foot orthoses, bandage splint (not including the cost of the product)
800 uah
Immobilization with phalangeal splint (splint cost excluded)
670 uah
Injection in paraarticular structures (medications cost excluded)
630 uah
Correction of plaster, scoth/softcast, turbocast dressing
690 uah
Metallic osteosynthesis (MOS) of fractures of the 1st category of difficulty (set cost excluded)
22100 uah
Metallic osteosynthesis (MOS) of fractures of the 2nd category of difficulty (set cost excluded)
27700 uah
Metallic osteosynthesis (MOS) of fractures of the 3rd category of difficulty (set cost excluded)
36700 uah
Metallic osteosynthesis (MOS) of fractures of the 4th category of difficulty (set cost excluded)
45700 uah
Application of Scotchcast or Softcast bandage (dressing) (bandage cost excluded)
1500 uah
Application of large plaster splints (splints cost excluded)
1300 uah
Application of small plaster splints (splints cost excluded)
800 uah
Application of retentive dressing (dressing cost excluded)
630 uah
Haematoma puncture
950 uah
Joint puncture
1000 uah
Dressing is simple
770 uah
Dressing is foldable
1000 uah
Information about the doctor Parii Vasyl Bronislavovych

Work experience: 32 years

Category: Higher


  • Bogomolets Kyiv Medical Institute;
  • Shupyk Kyiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics, internship in traumatology and orthopedics

Membership in associations, societies; attending conferences, thematic improvement courses:

  • member of the AO Foundation.

Scientific activity:

  • completed postgraduate studies at the Spine Surgery Clinic of the Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine;
  • candidate of Medical Sciences.

Teaching and / or lecturing:

  • assistant professor at the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics, Bogomolets National Medical University.

Priority areas in clinical practice:

  • diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system caused by injuries or degenerative and dystrophic changes in joints and bones.
  • The most common diseases and conditions are: fractures, dislocations, bone cracks, foot deformities, flat feet, scoliosis, osteoporosis, arthrosis, osteomyelitis and other diseases.

Patient reviews of Parii Vasyl Bronislavovych QR

Physician performance appraisal:

Overall rating from the patientOverall rating from the patientOverall rating from the patientOverall rating from the patientOverall rating from the patient9 reviews
Overall rating from the patientOverall rating from the patient1 review
Overall rating from the patient2 reviews
Overall rating from the patient4/ 5
raiting based on
12 reviews
Загальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнта
Impressions from the doctor

Звернулась за допомогою по рекомендації колеги. Лікар на прийомі все докладно пояснив без незрозумілих термінів, разом спланували подальші дії. Щиро дякую за докладні пояснення та рекомендації. Зара...

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Тамара Георгіївна, дякуємо за ваш відгук! Раді, що змогли допомогти і що ви вже почуваєте себе краще. Будьте здорові!З побажаннями міцного здоров`я, Команда Добробут
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Impressions from the doctor

Звернувся до лікаря для уточнення мого діагнозу. Одразу ж на консультації отримав всі відповіді на мої численні питання. Лікар пояснив все простою мовою. Одразу почав виконувати рекомендації. Зараз вс...

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В'ячеслав, дякуємо за ваш відгук! Завжди до ваших послуг!З побажаннями міцного здоров`я, Команда Добробут
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Impressions from the doctor

Високий професіоналізм та людяність

– Олег24.01.2025
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Загальна оцінка від пацієнта
Impressions from the doctor

Тысяча за прием вникуда

– Даниил02.09.2024

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Parii Vasyl Bronislavovych

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