InformationServices2 reviews
Melnyk Yevhenii Anatoliiovych

Melnyk Yevhenii Anatoliiovych

Pediatric anesthesiologist; Anesthesiologist
28experience (y.)
child doctor

The Doctor provides the following services:

Consultation by anaesthesiologist
1530 uah
Anaesthesia on an outpatient basis exceeding 1 hour (medications cost excluded)
8000 uah
Anaesthesia on an outpatient basis not exceeding 1 hour (monitored anaesthesia care in case of endoscopic examinations, consultation of anaesthesiologist included)
3900 uah
Anaesthesia on an outpatient basis not exceeding 1 hour (medications cost excluded)
5000 uah
Anaesthesia on an outpatient basis not exceeding 30 min. (monitored anaesthesia care in case of endoscopic examinations, consultation of anaesthesiologist included)
2800 uah
Anaesthesia on an outpatient basis not exceeding 30 min. (medications cost excluded)
3400 uah
Inhalation anesthesia - 1 hour (without the cost of medication)
6700 uah
Inhalation anesthesia - 2 hours (without the cost of medication)
10600 uah
Inhalation anesthesia 3 hours (without the cost of medicines)
14200 uah
Inhalation anesthesia - each extra hour after 3 hours of anesthesia (without the cost of medicines)
3800 uah
Catheterization of the central vein (medications cost excluded)
2900 uah
Combined (inhalation anesthesia + spinal / epidural) anesthesia - 1 hour (without the cost of medicines)
8900 uah
Combined (inhalation anesthesia + spinal / epidural) anesthesia - 2 hours (without the cost of medicines)
12100 uah
Combined (inhalation anesthesia + spinal / epidural) anesthesia - 3 hours (without the cost of medicines)
15000 uah
Combined (inhalation anesthesia + spinal / epidural) anesthesia - each extra hour after 3-hours of anesthesia (without the cost of medication)
3800 uah
Combined (total intravenous anesthesia + spinal / epidural) anesthesia - 1 hour (without the cost of medication)
8600 uah
Combined (total intravenous anesthesia + spinal / epidural) anesthesia - 2 hours (without the cost of medication)
11400 uah
Combined (total intravenous anesthesia + spinal / epidural) anesthesia - 3 hours (without the cost of medication)
14600 uah
Combined (total intravenous anesthesia + spinal / epidural) anesthesia - each extra hour after 3-hours of anesthesia (without the cost of medication)
3800 uah
Field block anaesthesia (medications cost excluded)
3200 uah
Regional anesthesia in abdominal surgery (without the cost of medication)
1700 uah
Regional anesthesia in an out-patient setting (without the cost of medication)
1500 uah
Regional anesthesia of the upper extremities (without the cost of medication)
2100 uah
Regional anesthesia of the lower extremities (without the cost of medication)
2200 uah
Sedation in the operating theater - 1 hour (without the cost of medicines)
5400 uah
Sedation in the operating theater - 2 hours (without the cost of medicines)
8400 uah
Sedation in the operating theater - 3 hours (without the cost of medicines)
12700 uah
Sedation in the operating theater - each extra hour after 3-hours of sedation (without the cost of medication)
3800 uah
Total intravenous anesthesia - 1 hour (without the cost of medicines)
6300 uah
Total intravenous anesthesia - 2 hours (without the cost of medicines)
9900 uah
Total intravenous anesthesia 3 hours (without the cost of medicines)
13900 uah
Total intravenous anesthesia - each extra hour after 3-hours of anesthesia (without the cost of medication)
3200 uah
Information about the doctor Melnyk Yevhenii Anatoliiovych


  • Bohomolets National Medical University

Areas of professional development:

  • held a course in the management of patients with heart defects (Warsaw);
  • participated in the annual conference of the European Association for Intensive Therapy (ESICM 26th Annual Meeting, Paris);
  • with the aim of professional growth, constantly reading the publications in the native and foreign issues in English specialized on topics of anesthesiology and intensive care;
  • tending to apply modern methods of anesthesia and guided by the facts of evidence-based medicine in medical practice.

Priority areas in clinical practice:

  • cardiac anesthesiology;
  • intensive therapy of postoperative cardiac surgical patients.
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • heart defects;
  • heart failure.
  • “The work of the anesthesiologist of the Cardiac Surgical Department implies monitoring and support of the patient’s cardiac activity at every phase of the treatment process. A good doctor is a sensitive, intelligent, polite and considerate person. But the main thing is that he should be a professional.“
  • About the Tendencies in Anesthesiology: “The age range and the scope of diseases where anesthesia is applied during surgical operations, are expanding. Short-acting drugs are used for more controlled and prolonged anesthesia.”

Tell us about your professional interests other than your specialization:

  • ultrasound diagnostics;
  • endoscopy.

Hobbies, favorite movies, books:

  • “My hobbies are literature and traveling. My favorite authors are Chekhov, Bulgakov, Remark, Solzhenitsyn. I like watching the films of Almodovar and Alexander Dovzhenko.“

Doctor's advice:

  • “Take care of your heart from the young age. When problems appear, it’s impossible to return your heart to the same state that it was in your youth.”

Advantages of MM 'Dobrobut':

  • “The availability of a big selection of modern equipment and medicines to treat patients. These are the main advantages of a clinic at a level such as Dobrobut.”

Patient reviews of Melnyk Yevhenii Anatoliiovych QR

Physician performance appraisal:

Overall rating from the patientOverall rating from the patientOverall rating from the patientOverall rating from the patientOverall rating from the patient2 reviews
Overall rating from the patient5/ 5
raiting based on
2 reviews
Загальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнта
Impressions from the doctor
Оцінка вражень від лікаряОцінка вражень від лікаряОцінка вражень від лікаряОцінка вражень від лікаряОцінка вражень від лікаря
Impression of the clinic
Clinic impression scoreClinic impression scoreClinic impression scoreClinic impression scoreClinic impression score
Overall impression

Лікар від Бога високий професіоналіз, відповідальність, людяність, уважність, досконале знання лікарської справи - саме на таку оцінку заслугавує Євгеній Анатолійович. В дуже важкому стані мій чолов...

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– Кучерук Неля09.06.2020
Неля, дуже Вам вдячні за такі необхідні слова подяки та високу оцінку професійних якостей лікарів. Бажаємо найшвидшого одужання чоловікові та міцного здоров'я Вам.З повагою, департамент контролю якості сервісу та клієнтського обслуговування
Загальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнта
Impressions from the doctor
Оцінка вражень від лікаряОцінка вражень від лікаряОцінка вражень від лікаряОцінка вражень від лікаряОцінка вражень від лікаря
Impression of the clinic
Clinic impression scoreClinic impression scoreClinic impression scoreClinic impression scoreClinic impression score
Overall impression

Внимательный, грамотный специалист. Когда я лег на операционный стол, он мне сказал что-то наподобие :"Сейчас веки потяжелеют". Это последнее, что я услышал, после чего отрубился, а очнулся уже в реан...

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– Юрий Шлепак05.12.2017

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Melnyk Yevhenii Anatoliiovych

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