Information about the doctor Malakshanidze Dariko Zurabivna
- M. Gorky Donetsk National Medical University;
- Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academ
Scientific activity:
- Conference presentations: “A rare case of the long-lasting asymptomatic rhinolith” on “Pharmacotherapy and surgical treatment techniques of ENT organs” annual traditional spring conference of Ukrainian Scientific Medical Society of ENT Specialists in Zaporizhzhia, 2017;
- Minayev O. O., Chibisov V. Yu., Mirashova M. G., Malakshanidze D. Z. “A rare case of the long-lasting asymptomatic rhinolith” // Journal of Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases. -2017. No. 3, pp. 73–74;
- Minayev O. O., Malakshanidze D. Z., Triukhan A. G. “Treatment policy in case of chronic dacryocystitis” // “Medicine of the XXI century” 79th scientific medical congress of students and young scientists, Kramatorsk, May 10–11, 2017, pp. 148–149;
- V. G. Tsentilo, Minayev O. O., Minayev O. A., Malakshanidze D. Z. “A giant lymphangitic cyst of the posterior triangle of neck” // Accomplishments of Modern Otorhinolaryngology annual traditional autumn conference of Ukrainian Scientific Medical Society of ENT Specialists, October 2–3, 2017, in Kyiv, Ukraine.
Areas of professional development:
- 2009-2014: studied in M. Gorky Donetsk National Medical University, specialty: ENT specialist;
- completed the internship in the ENT Department of the Municipal Hospital No. 3 municipal health care facility of Kramatorsk;
- 2014-2015: completed the residence program in Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy;
- participates in research and practice conferences and training workshops, and also in upgrade training courses on an annual basis.
Priority areas in clinical practice:
- diagnostics, nonsurgical and surgical treatment of acute and chronic ENT pathologies.
Tell us about your professional interests other than your specialization:
- immunology;
- allergology;
- neurology.
Doctor's advice:
- “I adhere to the balanced healthy diet and practice sports.”