Information about the doctor Bobkov Andrii Serhiiovych
Category: Higher
- Zaporizhzhia State Medical University
Priority areas in clinical practice:
- urgent childhood surgery;
- purulent-septic surgery of childhood;
- pediatric outpatient surgery;
- laparoscopic diagnosis and treatment;
- surgical treatment of benign formations.
- The most common complains: ‘In the field of urgent surgery - inflammation of the cecal appendix. Children aging from seven to eighteen quite often suffer from appendicitis. One of the most common and dangerous acute diseases in up to 1-year-old babies is the bowel obstruction, requiring immediate hospitalization and conservative treatment. We always draw the parents’ attention to the fact that the earlier a doctor provides help to their child, the sooner convalescence will begin.’, ‘Girls suffer from ovarian cysts, apoplexy and torsion. Talking about the urgent surgery one should mention suppurative bone diseases, in which contamination occurs through hematogenous route due to decline of the immune status or infection, that has gained access into the body. All these diseases are rather serious. They should be timely diagnosed and promptly treated considering the fact, that not only the quality of future life but the very survival of a person is in question.’
- Features of working in the field of pediatric surgery: ‘Childhood! A child is unable to describe his condition clearly and tell about complains. We have to draw on our colleagues’ experience and to review some additional literature. Children need a more careful approach; they often have to be hospitalized in order to observe trends in their condition. A child cannot be allowed to go home like an adult can be. However, eventually only one patient out of 10 hospitalized requires a surgery. All the rest we let go home after a thorough checkup – a child may suffer from a simple gastritis or intestinal colic.’
Hobbies, favorite movies, books:
- ‘I like fishing and football. During my vacation I prefer to rest at the seaside.’
Doctor's advice:
- ‘Modern parents are very progressive, so neglected cases happen less often.’ ‘I strongly support Dr. Komarovsky’s School: the pieces of advice provided by him are simple, illustrative and correct. Most of my colleagues would agree that parents should be addressed with informative talks.’ ‘Children may differ greatly in their temper and upbringing. It is obviously easier with the elder ones. Emotional factor plays significant role: it may not hurt the child, but it is absolutely normal if he feels fear and stress. Still we try to find the right approach to everyone. Good service is an important feature of our clinic’s work style, that makes people come to us.’
Advantages of MM 'Dobrobut':
- ‘Diagnostics plays a significant role in medicine, from laboratory instrumental methods of examination to MRI. Rapid tests and modern high contrast x-ray images considerably extend doctor’s capabilities. Laparoscopy is another informative method of diagnostics, especially with the teenage girls. It allows both to differentiate pelvic organs’ problems from banal appendicitis, and to rule out or confirm pathology. The correct diagnosis is also significantly contributed by the narrow specialists, present among the medical staff of Dobrobut.’