Ditinology of special development
Doctors working in our center have undergone special training for early diagnosis of ASD, peculiarities of communication and contact with such children.
- The child starts to speak late/ does not speak
- The child does not respond to his name,
- The child refuses tactile contact with parents
- The child prefers to be alone than with anyone, refuses to contact with the outside world, shows no interest
- Weak emotional reaction of the child to care and attention, to parents appeals
- Poor development of nonverbal communication skills
- The child has no pointing gesture
- The baby doesn't look you into your eyes
- It automatically repeats the words of other people (echolalia)
- If there is a speech, it speaks monotonously, as if repeating a memorized text
- Monotonous movements for a long time (for example, rocking in a crib)
- Poor coordination of movements – it poorly runs, climbs the stairs, and so on.
Ditinology of special development, Service prices:
- Consultation by paediatric psychologist 1700 uah
- Consultation by specialized psychologist 1570 uah
- Diagnostic test for Autism Spectrum Disorders(ADOS) 1210 uah
- Session with a defectologist (45 min) 990 uah
- Session with special-needs expert (60 min.) 1280 uah
- Classes with an expert speech therapist-defectologist 1330 uah
- Rehabilitation/abilitation sessions for children with psychomotor disabilities (1 hour) 1280 uah
- Rehabilitation/abilitation sessions for children with psychomotor disabilities (45 minutes) 1060 uah
- Comprehensive diagnosis of PEP-3 3090 uah
- Comprehensive diagnostics of child development 3120 uah
- Comprehensive diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders using the ADOS-2 method 3090 uah
- Consultation by special-needs expert and speech therapist 1120 uah
- Consultation of a speech therapist expert 1490 uah
- Extended consultation with a psychologist for children with psychomotor development 2220 uah
- screening tests for the detection of ASD,
- a multidisciplinary team of specialists: special psychologist, speech pathologist, pediatric neurologist, psychiatrist, rehabilitation specialist, pediatrician,
- if necessary, additional research methods to identify concomitant pathology are available: all types of laboratory tests, EEG, MRI, CT scan,
- for the differential diagnostics and correction of the rehabilitation course - consultations of profile specialists: geneticist, immunologist, allergist, pediatric orthopedist, pediatric ophthalmologist, etc.,
- cooperation with specialized reference centers for maximum assistance to children.
We treat (rehabilitate). LIST of diseases:
- ASD (autism spectrum disorders)
- PDR, SLDD (psychomotor development retardation, speech and language development delay)
- Down syndrome
- Cerebral palsy
ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorders)
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) is a range of diseases accompanied by a violation of social interaction: behavior, communication, and sometimes verbal abilities. ASD is a neurodevelopmental disorder, that is, a mental impairment that occurred in early childhood. The main its characteristic is a persistent deficiency in social communication and social interaction. The main deficiency is the lack of skill of divided (that is, coordinated with a partner) attention and reciprocity in interaction. Such children cannot maintain dialogue, experience problems of social convergence, cannot share interests and emotions. They find it difficult to maintain eye contact, other forms of non-verbal communication also suffer. Autists often have a violation of sensitivity to incoming sensory information: they react poorly to light, noise, or, on the contrary, are extremely insensitive to pain. They have the so-called stereotypies in behavior: building toys in strict order, echolalia.
ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a neurologically-behavioral developmental disorder that begins in childhood and is manifested by such symptoms as difficulties in concentration of attention, hyperactivity, impulsivity, difficulty in perceiving information. One of the main signs is impulsivity - lack of control of behavior in response to requests. The diagnosis requires the presence of 6 symptoms from the inattention and/or hyperactivity/impulsivity groups, the symptoms must be present for at least six months.
Down syndrome
This is a disease caused by a genomic anomaly - most often the karyotype is represented by 47 chromosomes instead of 46, trisomy of the 21st pair is observed (three copies instead of two). The incidence of this disease is 1 in 700 newborns. It is clinically manifested by combinations of various developmental disorders: congenital heart defects, brachycephaly, epicanthus, cataracts, clinodactyly, strabismus, and others. From the psychomotor development point of view, the prognosis strongly depends on early intervention and the intensity of the rehabilitation of the child. Most often, these children have a delay in communication skills (speech), sometimes this is accompanied by problems with hearing.
- a multidisciplinary team that unites doctors and psychologists;
- constant communication of specialists, an individual approach to each child, flexibility in accordance with its rehabilitation dynamics, needs and condition give more opportunities for correction;
- early diagnostics and early intervention (correction) allow to adapt the child more effectively and quickly;
- psychotherapeutic work with parents: group and individual.
- specially equipped room of a psychologist, speech therapist, rehabilitation specialist,
- sensory room,
- table for Bobot therapy.
- special psychologist
- children's neurologist
- speech pathologist
- rehabilitation specialist
- psychiatrist
Treatment methods:
To maximize the adaptation (rehabilitation) of such patients, a multidisciplinary team, both doctors and specialists in physical and psychological rehabilitation, is necessary. A rehabilitation program is prescribed for each child, taking into account its individual characteristics, combined pathologies, psychomotor status, level of physical development, etc.
Psychological correction (sand therapy, art therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy)
Specialists working on the so-called “deficit zones” in children with particular developmental features use sand and art therapy methods, the Flortime approach, and TEACH therapy.
Sensory integration
Works with parents of special kids, family system. Restores sensitivity to itself, helps to find a resource.
Occupational therapy
Speech therapy classes, speech therapy massage
They develop speech in special children, take even non-speech children into work, and develop chewing skills.
Physical rehabilitation.
They work on physical rehabilitation, use the Bobot approach, use elements of sensory integration, develop the necessary everyday skills (ergotherapy).