Strong team of experts in various medical specializations
Effective and detailed treatment plan individually for each patient
Experience in diagnosing and treating complex and rare cases of oncological diseases
InformationDoctorsServices3 clinics

Multidisciplinary oncological concilium

Treatment of cancer requires a comprehensive approach. The choice of treatment methods depends on the accuracy of the diagnosis and the initial data obtained.

At the Dobrobut Oncology Center, a multidisciplinary oncology consultation will help confirm the diagnosis and determine the exact treatment plan.

The commission consists of practitioners of various fields who, together with the attending oncologist, study the patient's profile, examination results, take into account his or her health status and concomitant diseases, assess the risks and prognoses of the disease, and then prescribe the most effective treatment tactics. It is the consultation that decides whether or not surgical treatment is necessary, which often allows avoiding a traumatic procedure that can greatly affect the patient's health and quality of life.

The multidisciplinary oncology consultation at the Dobrobut Oncology Center is a team of doctors with extensive experience in diagnosing and treating complex and rare cases of cancer.

The consultation includes specialists who practice all methods of treatment and diagnosis of cancer. These are radiologists, oncologists, chemotherapists, radiation therapists, surgeons, oncologic surgeons, pathologists, gynecologic oncologists, mammologists, otorhinolaryngologists, orthopedic oncologists, plastic surgeons, dermatologists and many others.

The multidisciplinary development of the Dobrobut medical network allows us to involve narrow specialists such as anesthesiologists, cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, vascular surgeons, endocrinologists in a multidisciplinary consultation to correct concomitant pathology in patients and to correct complications of special treatment.

We provide care for malignant tumors of various localizations:

  • Head and neck cancer
  • Breast cancer
  • Lung cancer
  • Cancer of the esophagus and stomach
  • Liver and biliary tract cancer
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Colon and rectal cancer
  • Kidney cancer
  • Bladder cancer
  • Cancer of the prostate gland
  • Cancer of the ovaries, cervix and uterine body
  • Sarcomas
  • Melanoma and skin cancer
  • Thyroid cancer
  • Neuroendocrine tumors
  • Retroperitoneal tumors

Our advantages

In many European countries, multidisciplinary consultations are rare, while in the Dobrobut medical chain it has become the "golden" standard.

A multidisciplinary commission is mandatory for every oncology patient at the Oncology Center, and the medical oncology consultation allows everyone to get an alternative opinion, even if they are not a Dobrobut patient.

Many patients undergoing therapy in other medical institutions use our second opinion service. This happens in cases when the patient doubts the correctness of the diagnosis and prescribed treatment. The council of our specialists studies in-depth the data of analyzes, radiological, instrumental studies conducted in another clinic, and makes a collegial decision of a recommendatory nature. After that, the patient can decide to undergo treatment in our clinic or has the opportunity to discuss the recommended tactics with his or her attending physician.

The attending oncologist and the manager of the Oncology Patient Support Service stay in touch with the patient throughout the entire treatment course. This allows us to monitor the patient's condition, conduct timely check-ups and diagnostic examinations to assess the dynamics of treatment.

Consultations with oncologists

In the Dobrobut Oncology Center, you can get a consultation with an experienced oncologist, including a certain narrow specialization: gynecological oncologist, oncologist, mammologist, otorhinolaryngologist, traumatologist, urologist and other specialists.

During the visit, the doctor examines the patient, studies the results of diagnostic tests, collects information about the patient's complaints and condition, and, if necessary, prescribes additional diagnostic methods.

When choosing treatment tactics, our oncologists rely on the collegial opinion of the multidisciplinary oncology commission, which is mandatory for every patient with cancer in the Dobrobut medical chain.

To make an appointment for a multidisciplinary oncology consultation, please contact the manager of the Care and Personal Support Service of the Oncology Center from Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 18:00 by calling the number listed on our website. 

The specialized departments of the Dobrobut Oncology Center operate at two addresses:

  • 3 Family Idzikowsky St. (right bank)
  • 12A Mykoly Bazhana Ave. (left bank)

List of sources, literature ↓

  1. Аль-Шукри С.Х., Комяков Б.К., Горелов А.И., Прохожев А.Ю. «Радикальная цистэктомия при раке мочевого пузыря». «Актуальные вопросы лечения онкоурологических заболеваний». Матер. 2-й Всероссийской науч. конф. с участием стран СНГ 21-22 ноября, Обнинск 1997, стр. 8-9
  2. Chang S.S., Cole E., Cookson M.S. et al. Preservation of the anterior vaginal wall during female radical cystectomy with orthotopic urinary diversion: technigue and results. / J. Urol. – 2002. – Vol. 168. – P. 14421445.
  3. Федоров С.П. «К оценке способов резекции желудка» Новый хирургический архив 1924, 1, - С. 125-130
  4. Бойко В.В., Малоштан А.В., Тищенко А.М., Скорый Д.И., Козлова Т.В., Малоштан А.А., Гусак И.В. Заживление раневой поверхности печени после ее резекции // Анн. хир. гепатол. – 2012, № 2. – С. 20-25
  5. Бордуновский В.Н., Бондаревский И.Я., Ионин В.П. Использование новых технологий при резекции печени // Вестн. хирургии. – 2010, № 5. – С. 88-90.
  6. Belghiti J., Regimbeau J.M. et al. Resection of hepatocellular carcinoma: a European experience on 328 cases // Hepato – gastroenterology. 2002. Vol. 9 P. 41-46. 7. Velazquez EF, Soskin A, Bock A, et al.Positive resection margins in partial penectomies: sites of involvement and proposal of local routes of spread of penile squamous cell carcinoma. Am J Surg Pathol. Published online, March, 2004.

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Multidisciplinary oncological concilium

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Physicians who provide referral services Multidisciplinary oncological concilium:

14experience (y.)
Zadorozhna Kristina Olehivna
Zadorozhna Kristina Olehivna
Oncologist; Surgeon
9experience (y.)
Kovalenko Iryna Andriivna
Kovalenko Iryna Andriivna
26experience (y.)
Kukushkina Mariia Mykolaivna
Kukushkina Mariia Mykolaivna
Surgeon-oncologist; Oncodermatology
43experience (y.)
Ponomarova Olha Volodymyrivna
Ponomarova Olha Volodymyrivna
16experience (y.)
Samokhvalova Olena Oleksandrivna
Samokhvalova Olena Oleksandrivna
Gynecologist-oncologist; Obstetrician-gynecologist
4experience (y.)
Novytska Yuliia Viktorivna
Novytska Yuliia Viktorivna
6experience (y.)
Lihostaieva Valeriia Volodymyrivna
Lihostaieva Valeriia Volodymyrivna
13experience (y.)
Doronina Myroslava Viktorivna
Doronina Myroslava Viktorivna
40experience (y.)
Dekhtiar Tetiana Volodymyrivna
Dekhtiar Tetiana Volodymyrivna
0experience (y.)
Gabelko Yuliya Andreevna
Gabelko Yuliya Andreevna
Mammologist; Surgeon-oncologist
23experience (y.)
Palytsia Valentyn Yaroslavovych
Palytsia Valentyn Yaroslavovych
Mammologist; Oncologist
37experience (y.)
Pepenin Oleksii Volodymyrovych
Pepenin Oleksii Volodymyrovych
Surgeon; Oncologist; Surgeon-oncologist
21experience (y.)
Stakhovskyi Oleksandr Eduardovych
Stakhovskyi Oleksandr Eduardovych
Oncologist; Urologist
16experience (y.)
Horoshenko Oleh Volodymyrovych
Horoshenko Oleh Volodymyrovych
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Сертификат «Добробут-Стационар»
Сертификат «Добробут-Вертебрология»
Сертификат «Добробут-Патронаж»
Аккредитационный сертификат «Добробут-Поликлиника»
Аккредитационный сертификат «Добробут-Стационар»
Аккредитационный сертификат «Добробут-Вертебрология»
Аккредитационный сертификат «Добробут-Патронаж»